Mawrter Musing

It's a jouncing joy-ride…


Zubin Status Update:…Beep…BEeoP….BeeeEEeeP… …Al1ve

<Current Activities:



<<User was briefly disconnected.


  • …Investigating Study Abr0ad Pr0gr@ms => Likely options: Morocco France or Denmark
  • …Poss1bly Peeking 1n @t R@dn0r H@ll0ween
  • …Vaguely G1v1ng Up 0n L1fe => User: zhill remains unsure about life goals

<<<<The User: zhill is a known accomplice of Limpid Eyes. Together they have been seeking to escape her sad fate of highly relative GPA disaster.

Search Box: “Halloween and Lantern Night posts”

<<No such search topics found.

<<<User: zhill did not attend “Lantern Night” ceremony. Event = Step Sing was found to be chill (chill = cold) but somewhat shorter than zhill remembers. User has also never participated in “Halloween” and finds it perplexing.

Author: Zubin Hill

The writer from whom posts come.

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