Here begins my semester-long series geared toward taking you “inside the strange practices and behaviors of Mawrters.” I intend to reveal to you all our deeply prized secrets. It is, without question, the untold story of life on a Bryn Mawr. I know you didn’t ask, but you’ll get anyway!!!
So My Readers, I shall introduce you to the first important facet of Bryn Mawr culture: the art and joy of the Free Box dive.
What is the Free Box? You may ask. Well, this is what it is:
Quite literally, a cardboard box emblazoned with the words – FREE BOX. (I was too lazy to take a picture of ours. It wouldn’t have looked that great anyway. Besides, ye must experienceth le boite gratuit for yourself).

Precisely as the name describes, it is a box filled (when it’s near a break) with stuff Mawrters don’t want anymore. There is one on every hall. It may not look like much, but within are countless and unimaginable wonders! Now, I have attempted to go Free Box shopping increasingly often over my BMC career. Top targets: the Pems, Rock, and Rhodes N + S. The problem with me and Free Box Shopping is that I always end up feeling like a terrible creeper. I feel almost like someone is going to call Public Safety or be like:
“You’re not a member of this dorm, what exactly are you doing wandering about with your eyes searching the building?”

“Oh…Hi…I’m not doing anything. Just leaving…
And then I’ll scamper away embarrassed.
Nonetheless, I have curbed my fears and crept about in search of clothes. The best times are probably (ranked in order of stuff from least to most): Thanksgiving, Fall Break, Spring Break, Winter Break, and GRADUATION! Basically anytime prior to a break–the longer the better. My finds include: some spanking coral pants (given to my lil’ sis), a monochrome, front-button dress (given to my 2nd sis), 3 pairs of jeans (plum, forest
green, and blue) by reputable brands, knit booties, several tops, and a jumper. The picture on the left is comprised of entirely Free Box Finds.
And a Traditions sweatshirt (which sold at $30 originally and was just my size!!!) It has BRYN MAWR TRADITIONS and an owl carrying a lantern in all the class colors on it (since all that is not really visible).
My goodness! I feel at this point I may never have to shop again and instead just get presents from the Free Box (but really…)