I love it when visitors comment on the site. I appreciate you taking the time out of your life to do so. However, I do double-check all comments before they go up. Hence, there is a slight delay between you posting a comment and it registering on the site.
We have now reached the reasons why a comment might be edited, deleted, and the general rules to go by.
Comments may be edited or deleted under the following conditions:
1. A comment reasonably deemed to be spam will be deleted.
2. A comment will be deleted if it is a personal attack or threat toward the entry author or another commenter.
3. A comment will be edited or deleted if it features more than a “fair use” amount of someone else’s copyrighted work.
4. A comment will be deleted if it is entirely unrelated to the entry topic or the discussion at hand in the comments section.
5. Including a link to outside content is permitted, but it must be relevant to the post topic.
Comments are fundamentally for you to interact with me and other commenters in a polite fashion. I reserve the right to edit or delete any comments submitted to this blog without notice.
The comment policy is subject to change at any time.