Mawrter Musing

It's a jouncing joy-ride…

Here’s a Story I Hope You’ll Like…

September 12, 2014 by Zubin Hill | Comments Off on Here’s a Story I Hope You’ll Like…

Years are difficult things to summarize. Nonetheless, though I understand this has the potential to be quite boring, I consider it important as an introduction to the upcoming year.

shall be brief.

If, after this, you are still curious about this person known as The Author, you may skip over to the “Author Sketch” page. I introduce myself more fully there.

Are there any people out there?

Are there any people out there?

I would say my first year at Bryn Mawr has to be taken as a complete package. Oftentimes, people are disposed to fragment experiences and life in general into the smallest components. I opt not to do that. It diminishes the fun of swinging in a hammock on late August days, working in Haffner until I got mad tired of hiding from my manager, Steven (heh), participating in Traditions, or just figuring out life as a collegiate first year.

I’ll admit that I’ve had a somewhat hard time finding my “niche” at BMC.

I would largely attribute this to having looked in the wrong places. I don’t make friends from the classroom. I make them from work or co-curricular groups. I’d say the academic stress “song” is codswallop. Life’s as hard as you make it. If you stick to your strengths (as I did) and do not find yourself in Computer Science (as I didn’t) you will likely survive your first year. Those are largely my feelings about my Freshman year.

This past summer I had the fortune to work (for a week) at a local Christian day camp and study in Tianjin, China for five weeks. This last was entitled “The International Summer Program in China” and was paid almost entirely by BMC. I love spending my college’s coffers…

On the rocks: at a spring in Qufu, China.

On the rocks: at a natural spring in Qufu, China.

I met people from Sweden, China, Singapore, and England. I took two courses (for which I will receive credit!), and visited Beijing, Qufu, and parts of Tianjin. I had a wonderful time; in many regards I feel it clarified (some) of my thoughts about China. I have now returned with intentions to divide and conquer. Because I can self-clone. Or something.

All comments, questions, and “derp” responses welcome!


Next Time…: The Author finds herself mildly beset by scheduling problems, must figure out the Bryn Mawr music scene, and acknowledges her need for a frenetic life.