Mawrter Musing

It's a jouncing joy-ride…

Room Without a View (BMC 7)

‘Tis the season of Room Draw: the bane of many a Mawrter’s existence.

For myself, I’m glad to be going abroad–though I fear I may end my days in what would be (for me) a place of supreme displeasure, namely Erdman or Denbigh, upon my return. In any regard, Room Draw is (somewhat evidently) when Mawrters choose their room for the next year. All dorms and floors are mixed: no senior or frosh only dorms/floors (which ResLife works hard to maintain). It has been a fairly quiet year. Last year, when room draw numbers were announced, it was the talk of the town. It was the conversation topic on everyone’s lips during dinner (as numbers are announced at dinner time). At that time, as now, I was little bothered by this sign of the apocalypse. I think I was somewhere in the low 200s, 270 or so. This meant I had no chance of gaining a single as a rising sophomore and was likely to find myself in the Haverford apartments, the horror of every Mawrter. Thankfully, I used my wit and wiles to get a real steal of a deal: a three-room triple in Rhodes (the only dorm with air-conditioning!)

With the New Dorm (Codename: Nueddurm) finished, the Haverford apartments have been abolished. All Mawrters may pass their days among their fellows in comfort. I do greatly hope I can inhabit either Rockefeller or Nueddurm upon my return from study abroad. The beaming facade of Nueddurm and the twisting passages of Rock have thoroughly enchanted me.

To return to the Room Draw adventures of my more determined peers, many a Mawrter crafts elaborate lists to decide which room she/he/they want in advance of the official draw. Dorms are visited, the room diagrams with Room Draw number included (to give people an idea of what they can aspire to) are read with intensely desperate eyes, and questions about dorms and room conditions (heating problems, etc) are asked. This all seemed like WAAAAY too much work for me (also: hello, low number), so last year I opted for the chill approach. I popped into like two dorms, found someone I thought I could spend a whole year with, reviewed the floor plans on the BMC website, and called it a day.

And that worked quite perfectly for me 😀

Author: Zubin Hill

The writer from whom posts come.

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